Thursday, January 9, 2020

Morning Work.....

Back to work of holding seeds for the birds. I had to do some muddling with wood to get it to sit on the rail and not damage the railing

The clouds kept changing positions as the wind was blowing things around. The wind yesterday made big outside almost unbearable.

The outdoor wreath is inside now.  I have gotten out of the habit at putting out my flag. It looks good in the sunlight coming in the window. It is boxed and put away now waiting for the next Christmas season.

We have one tree left to take down.  The angel tree isn't in the way so we may wait for awhile on it. I did some outside work today.  I needed to place more sand over the cracks between my patio tiles. The sand is still settling in and it need to have more added.  I did initially sweep sand into the cracks but this time I just spring sand over them and will let the rains or snow work it in.  We are having warmer weather today compared to the harsh wind chill we had yesterday.

Thanks for stopping by today. Friday is coming shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Much warmer today! About 35 degrees warmer here! I loved that last photo:)
