Friday, January 24, 2020

New Snow on the Hill....

We had a good melting day yesterday. Through the night it snowed lightly giving us about four inches or so of new stuff. I shoveled it off this morning by hand so by evening it won't be so heavy when I have to do it again.

We bought our house in the winter time so I couldn't really judge that I liked this tree or not. Now that I understand that it  is a locust tree I am very happy with it. It does look a lot better with its leaves on it.
The red twig dogwood looks great in the snow. It has settled in well since I planted it last spring. It fits great on the curve of the sidewalk.

I don't get picky with my shoveling as you can see that the curved sidewalk there is not in view. It isn't very cold today.  Just a few degrees below freezing.  That is 30 degrees more than we have had for quite a few days.

A side note of "show and tell " is this star. Our pastor had given it to us a couple of years ago.  This summer we visited the place where it had been carved. The made all wooden items out of olive tree wood. We purchase a sculpture piece from the same place this summer.  We had outdoor salesmen bother us a lot from outside the store, trying to sell us scarves from Israel. It was really a good memory of them always trying to sell us stuff. I did buy my wife a couple of sets of beads on Mr. Carmel.

It is Friday and it is time to wind down a bit.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for checking it today.


  1. Sort of glad the snow stayed in your area and we got none here in nashua, NH, at least for this week but then winter is not yet done. We don't miss our days of snow shoveling and hope you take it easy as it can get quite heavy.

  2. That is a very pretty star! Yes snow is shoveling for me today:)

  3. The star is awesome! I like your house!!
