Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday's Stuff......

It is very cold and the house finch is grateful to find seed. I have more birds than ever as our Sunday temperatures seem unbelievable.

Down on the ground I have a new visitor looking for food. His tracks are coming from the blue spruce tree. He has not been around here for awhile.

He is not tame but the glass between of the sliding glass door seems to keep him from seeing me. He is looking over the scrap bird see from the cockatiel tray that I toss out there each morning.  This morning I put out fresh seed from the indoor birdseed sack. While he was out there a squirrel came over to check out things too.

 I did get a visual record of the two squirrels on the deck at the same time. If they see each other they both take off.  I have not filled the feeders today but there is still time. The birds seem to be attacking the vertical hanging feeder more than anythinng else.

Our windchill for today is -17 degrees F. Our temps are around -3 at the beginning of the day. A lot of the country is very cold right now.  I shared the one sundog on my other blog today.  I am betting there were two as I saw other peoples photo of them in southern Iowa.

I need to go get some groceries but we may have to be creative with what is in the pantry. I am only a mile from the store.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. We were really cold yesterday...but up to 13 finally of the evening. Today I think we hit 23....that is still colder than I want to be.

    I would be tempted to keep forever the shoes that walked all those places!
