Saturday, January 11, 2020

White Stuff.......

The deck will always have a drift when the wind blows in a snow storm. It is a typical winter day today for Iowa.

It was time to break out the snowblower. The work wasn't hard but the snow crystals really hurt the face.  I will have to venture up to the old place on Monday to clear those walkways.  That town is suppose to get more snow tomorrow so I can beat the 24 hour shoveling warning.

The snow brought out the birds to the feeder yesterday. They seem to be hungry today too as the wind stopped blowing so hard so they can land on the railing easier.

Thanks for checking in today. I hope all are safe and will be keeping warm today.


  1. Well it looks like a lot of snow, we've been deluged with rain, and under a tornado watch all day long.
    I thought if this much rain is falling to the north of us, it will be snow, and lots of it !
    Stay warm dear one.
