Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday's Mentons.....

Looking down at the backyard the sun is taking away some of the snow. My raised garden is in view again. I like seeing the grass under the blue spruce. Things change on Thursday as we plunge into a deep freezer.

The sun does make it look like spring but it still is just at freezing out there. I cleared a few places on my sidewalks  this morning and I needed gloves and a winter coat.

The store bought daisies have a snowy background. They are holding their own but in a couple of weeks they usually are all gone.

The Peruvian lilies are great fillers for a bouquet. They come in many colors and they do bloom out when bought in their early stages.

Thanks for stopping by today.  It is Monday.  Have a great day.


  1. We are having similar weather as far as temps...we got a skim of snow yesterday...we are supposed to have deep freeze later this week, too.

  2. Yes we will be getting the deep freeze on Thursday. You are melting faster than we are! :)
