Friday, February 21, 2020


It was not so much planned but I was able to post the sequence of the blooming of the amaryllis. I will take more photos before it starts to decline. The fourth bud is not completely opened yet.

Our little grand daughter is growing up quickly. It is so neat to see how happy she is that she can get up on her knees and sit. She will be crawling around more soon,  It is a happy girl that has found mobility to be fun.  When we were at our last visit we could see she want off people's laps and loved being on the floor.  She was sitting with a little bit of a wobble but n ow she is really holding her own. It helps that she has two older brothers to imitate and get into their stuff.

It is Friday and we are being forewarned of two days of warm temps. It will be a welcomed shock to o ur systems.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Great sequence! And a beautiful flower.

  2. Look at the smile Ella has!!! Your Amaryllis is beautiful...Far Guy enjoyed seeing it too!
