Tuesday, February 25, 2020


I keep a close eye on this plant making sure that it never dries out. I am really hovering over it to keep it going for as long as I can. It has been an amazing set of blooms.

The leftover bulb that I found in the basement is not going to bloom.  It is going to put out leaves only. I will share it. I am hoping all those leaves will nourish the bulb as they say that it will.

An unknown kind of creature has dug tunnels under the snow and chewed away at the grass.  It is almost creepy and something I have never seen before now.While looking down I can see more tunneling that was done and the snow is still on top of the runs. I am hoping someone out there in blog land know what it is.

If you haven't seen them you need to put your nose closer to the screen.  I know that the neighbor to the north east will be out trying to destroy whatever it is. There is a lot of channeling and I really am not happy about it.
I did get the flag out this morning and it is not going to get wet or snowed on either.

Down yhe street you can see the snow is still there. Those houses shade the front of their houses all day so it doesn't melt. It is still February and more snow will be back soon.
I am so ready to start painting on my project pieces but I am still coughing a little and the cold basement is not where I should be today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hi Larry, that lawn tuneling may be caused by either voles or moles which we used to have when we lived in VA. I can remember trampling down those mounds on many occasions. I believe that these types of burrowing critters will also eat plant bulbs.

  2. Voles, my neighbor just brought two of them inside in a plastic bag, dead. He used a water hose and flushed them out. The vole is considered a field mouse but these burrowed underground to eat roots. Our ground was not frozen enough.

  3. I am glad someone knew...I have never seen that before.

    Those blooms are just gorgeous! So glad to get to see them. They always remind me of my mom and my neighbor.

  4. We have a lot more snow left than you do. I'd say Meadow Voles making tunnels under the snow.

  5. Yes Voles:) We had them one year but we have an imperfect lawn...they will eat Tulips:(
