Wednesday, March 11, 2020


It is an odd photo.  I didn't take it correctly. I was trying to capture all the tulips, daffodils and grape hyacinths that were coming up.

It would be easy for me to just buy the tomatoes grown in the green houses.  What is the fun with that.  I planted about a dozen seeds today to start the process.

How do you like my cake or pie server that I use to move dirt around. It is silver but we have a lot of them in the house. I ended up planting two seeds in some of the compartments as the seeds didn't want to separate so easily.  They were watered lightly and the lid is now on them for a while.

The tree up the valley is looking good against the sunset. That will keep changing and eventually more sunset will be spread across that sky.

We took our friend to see the doctor again today.  She had an MRI test and a couple other lung tests. The hospital has shut out all visitors to the hospital part  but the clinical wind was wide open for everyone. Lots of people were hitting the hands sanitizer as the wandered throughout the clinic.  It looked warmer and more like spring but it was still cool in temperatures.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope no one coughed on you! We have to go out tomorrow to the Infusion Center. I feel safe at home ...out there not so much. Take Care of Della!
