Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday's a Snow Day......

Filling up one more time.  It has snowed and it is time to stock up again. The snow is heavy but the temperatures are warm enough to make it melt on the ground.

A good size bowl is easy to use for sharing seed. This was taken yesterday after I had filled all the feeders and bowl.

It was warm enough yesterday for me to use the power sander on the top. I spent a lot of time sanding as there were a lot of water spots on it from people over watering their ferns.  I thought I would have to use a paint remover on it but it did  sand out well with the wood being oak.
The major part of the top was a large square of quarter sawed oak. To make it the size they wanted they added a strip of wood to the edge of it.  It makes me believe that it was all originally covered with a dark varnish to cover up the mixed up grains. A lot of furniture at that era was varnished that way as I have stripped down a lot of pieces of furniture with that color of varnish. I usually found a lesser wood underneath it but my one chess of  drawers was that color and it had total oak underneath it.

You can see the pattern in this top that proved it was quarter sawed. I was pleased that I spent so much time saniding it. I coated it with a clear sealing varnish that had a light tint of walnut in it.
The base is a true arts and crafts design.  It looks like one that would have been posted in a woodworkers book. The squares on the points makes it look more like a Frank Lloyd Wright design. The post is not oak.  It looks like it was too unstable with the original oak post. There are signs of work that all was taken apart and it was reassembled with a pine post. On the bottom side I can see where a hole was for a bolt, which is not there. There is now a nail that was driven up into the set of squares at the base. Everything else is held together with old screws.
It is arts in crafts style but I don't know where we are going to put it. This style is a lot more rustic and more like poor farmhouse style than maybe a Victorian house. I will be just trial arrange it to see if it will work in.  I will be buying a fern for it.

I will leave this project now and will find something else to work on.  I hope everyone is doing ok.  We are home for now but probably will venture out to do our small Sunday school classes tomorrow. Having gotten over a horrible flu that started almost six weeks ago I think we will be ok.

Thanks for stopping by today.