Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saturday's Sighting of Life......

I did successfully got this to grow in the rock field at the corner of the house.  I removed rocks and dumped in some dirt.  I could see the hosta sending out roots into the rock to get moisture. This is its second year so it should grow into a good size.

The trees are in full blossom now.  It is nice to have them in the spring. As you can see now hows down the street has them in their front yard but one neighbor opted to plant one up into his yard.  The street at the bottom of the hill going east and west has a lot of trees still growing along the street.

I need to go mow my grass.  The mower is fixed and I can get the front yard done today. The tulips in this bed are slower to bloom that all my other ones on the place.

We just got off of the net watching our second grandson open his birthday presents.  Amazon was slow so they were only four days left. It was nice to see him open them and we could tell that he really liked them. He turned four years old on Monday.  Our little grand daughter turns one on May 1st.
 This was growing here when I bought the place. I think it is like a vinca but I never really looked it up on the net. We are cold today so I will wait to mow this afternoon.  It is still a little wet in the grass and I would like to get a better mowing job done on the lawn.

We are all staying strong and will take it on e day at a time.  We had the highest numbers on identified virus people yesterday since this has all started.  Our whole life seems to be put on a freeze down right now.  I hope everyone out there is good. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Your blooms are so pretty especially the tree wowza! Yes I think that is Vinca blooming blue. Good to hear you are safe...we are too:)

  2. I love hostas...I had them behind our garage and they just would not grow. I put rocks around them...fist sized and bigger...and now they grow like crazy and have all kinds popping up everywhere.

  3. Wonderful blooms Larry, they sure do lift ones spirit to see all this rebirth.
    Hope you are keeping safe and well !
