Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday's Many Things...

The clouds of evening were looming and it was an expression of my very bad, not good day, yesterday. I don't mind some resistance of things going bad but they don't need to pile up and stay there for an entire day. I hate it when there is no resolution to mix ups and and bad outcoms.

This phlox is actually more lavender in color but the light was so bright that it washes out the color.  With all the rain it still looks like we could use some more. The roses in front seem to be slow to green.

I mowed my yard on Tuesday and I really screwed it up because I left off the spreader on the side of the mower.  I was mulching thick grass and it looks horrible.  I did figure it out later and did the whole back yard with the spreader and it looks ok. I am refusing to mow the front yard again just because it looks butcher.  My neighbor to the southish bagged all of his grass leftovers so he does look really good. Maybe next time I could do that and use it in a mulch pile.

I planted these roses with multi-petals a couple of years back. They are earlier than other tulips that are planted there. When I loaded my mower to take to Woodward the next morning everything seemed to be going normal.  My new mower, which I have never packed up before in the truck was messed up when I took it out of the truck to mow.  The power to the front wheels and back wheels was not working.  I had to push the big thing through the grass for most of the yard.  That is what I use to do but not with such a big mower.

This is an interesting leaf  on this shrub.  I don't know for sure what it is but the early leaves are orange It reminds me of a spirea once the greener leaves show up. I didn't plant it and I don't have it identified yet.

My neighbors to the northiish have started planing their garden. I think they put in radishes and onions.  I succeeded to get my tomato bed spaded up so it will be in a better condition for planting.  I have never have had a problem with chive spreading but I have three new starts of it from that corner plant. I finally was able to buy some peat pots to transplant my tomato starts to more growing space. I apparently started my tomatoes too late but I will be patient and they will mature quickly.

While I was at the old house I went in to inspect the problem of one of my pipes that had frozen during our extreme cold spell. I had the water turned off but later when I turned it on to see if things were.  It will be a mess to fix. If I can figure things out I can just reconnect the cold water and everything will be good. On the opposite side of this story is that I am figuring I am going to have to get a sledge and break up the fiber glass shower and remove it.  I am not happy about that developlent.

Any way, I called Ace Hardware this morning.  I took my mower to the back door and two guys took a look at the mower.  They discovered that my folding the handles back into position loosened up the cables for the power transmissions. It took them a while but they did get all the cables readjusted and the power mower works again. I had read on the internet that a cable might have to be bought and replaced.  I am glad that was not the case.  I am thinking the persons who assembled the mower did not get the positions just right and it took it out of alignment.  I hope it is now fixed for good.

In all of this mess the last two days I had to make a trip in public this morning that solved all my problems. The hardware was very busy with four clerks at the registers, computer.  It is an essential business and everyone was there.  I finally bought some glue and peat pots.  I picked up some parts for my fix of the plumbing of the shower, and I didn't get charged for fixing the mower.

Our virus charts keep climbing.  There are more and more people identified with the virus and the deaths keep happening.  The work practices of the packing plants have been exposed but nothing will be done about it.  Whole shifts were filled with large percentages of them being sick and at work.

This chipper got caught in air by my camera. I don't know if he has a partner now or not but he keeps collecting seed.   Thanks for stopping by today.   I don't know if I have many mistakes but I will post with it unedited.  It might be funny reading but I need to get it posted


  1. Love those tulips...I bet they are really beautiful in person. Great shot of the cardinal and wonderful capture of the chipper in action. I hope your mower is fixed for good...

  2. And totally forgot to say I LOVE that sky shot.

  3. Larry you certainly have had a time of things going awry and hopefully the next few days will get things back on an even keel. We don't miss the yard work but so many of our homeowner friends are working out in their now with so much time to do so. I expect we will see a lot of nice yards when we are out and about more in future days.
