Tuesday, April 14, 2020


So I used up all my photos on Monday's blog so I am scraping to the bottom of the barrel to find things for today.  I go into this "show and tell" mode and just won't quit.

I have been watching the  painting being done for the past few weeks. My wife works with precision and when she is in her final days of painting the details all show up perfectly.

The Wailing Wall has many different names and has a lot of history.  The Romans first built the bottom of the wall. It is incorporated into the stone of Mount Moriah there in Jerusalem, Israel. The oldest history of the area is the top of the mountain where God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac. As he started to to obey God stopped him and a ram showed up to be used in his place. The rest of the wall was built by Jews kings to support the large surface called the Temple Mount.

The Jewish people eventually were sent from Egypt to live there around 2,500 years ago.  When the Jews lived there King Herod built the temple mount using the stones of the Romans as the base and the wall was raised up to create the Temple Mount.  On the mount a temple was built and it stood on top of the stone peak that Abraham had use for his altar to sacrifice his ram.

When the Jewish people were completely killed or driven out by a Roman king more than 2,00 years, the Jewish people had not seen this wall until 1967 during the Six Day War. As the soldiers returned to Jerusalem they asked enemy soldiers where they could go to find the wall. To the  Jews, it is the history of their relationship to God as the wall represents his presence and the largeness  of God.

To Christians, it represents the history of the Temple in which God came down to talk to man through the Ark. His Ark sat on top of the top of Mt. Moriah. Today the Mount is shared. The Jordanian Muslims claim the territory and guard it with soldiers. The soldiers of Israel guard the East gate. The whole area is less restricted as we were allowed to be on theTemple Mount on the day we visited. Don't get me wrong, any single incident could bring armed Jordanian soldiers coming running in mass to clear the area.

The age of the Temple mount  is shown by the south view of the wall that surrounds the whole area.. These steps are the ones in which Jesus as a boy sat while his parents were looking for him.

Our day looks like this as the clouds keep moving and changing. We are still cold and I see we are above freezing now as the birdbath is melting.

Our numbers for the virus has taken a bad turn. We had two different packing plants come forward with infections and another nursing home is now reporting many infections. The meat packing plants are closing down for a while. We will be looking bad for numbers for the next few days as the are tallying them differently. 

Thanks for stopping by today. Stay safe and be careful.


  1. That was a wonderful trip for you and Della, I am so glad you got to go before all this Pandemic stuff. Stay safe! I heard about the meat packing plants.:(

  2. Yes, I read about the meat packing plants as well, including Smithfield. Guess we will be eating more poultry and fish, which are favorites, thankfully. Your wife's painting is wonderful.

  3. Nice to stop by and see your posts. Take care and stay well!!
