Friday, May 22, 2020

A Surprise Visitor....

I think the bird was stretching to see if there was any room left on the seed sock. I took this quickly as I was surprised to even see him out and about. Another surprise visitor were two girls walking up the street with their new puppy.  He reminded us of our little poodle with white fur and brown ears. We just happened to be out side as the two girls brought him by.  He didn't like walking and kept sitting down on them as they tried to walk with him.  I remembered our poodle also didn't like to walk so we carried him most of the time.  He did like the Minnesota North Shore where he could rout out some chipmunks once in a while.

Our neighbors to the north have lived in their home for eighteen years so that have their gardening processes down to  a science They have their tomatoes in the far garden and this will be for vine vegetables.

They have their tomatoes in now, after I took the photo. We are going to have some warm days and tomatoes take off when the soil gets warmed.  Their tomatoes were large enough that they put their cages up already.

I have one lone bloom in the front garden. The dianthus comes back each year on its own.
The geranium is big this year and has a lot of blooms on it.

There is one bud on this old rose. I will be able to identify it for sure when it blooms. It was moved from the old place ad is as old as the old house that sits there.  I am thinking that it is a pink one. It does prove that if you wait long enough the old flowers will hold their own but you have to wait two or three years.  I am going to make a frame to support this sometime this summer.

I have lots of photos to share right now as things keep growing.  I did get my truck of pavers unloaded and taken down the hill to the patio.  I had fourteen of them to move, three at a time with a wheel barrow, I got to have one load lighter with two bricks. I then ended up putting down three of them, adding them to the patio.  It is a lot of work and I have the energy to do about three a day. It feels good to get the job started.

I will go mow at the old place tomorrow morning if the weather hold. It may rain and I will have to take the day off.  I could only wish.  Thank you for stopping by today.  I do have some steaks in the freezer waiting for me to grill them. I had to get my gas tank filled and  Ace Hardware worked well for that.  Have a good day.


  1. The bird is beautiful! I also love the geranium. I am happy you are seeing some of your relocated plants flourishing. It usually takes about 3 years for plants to begin to really do well in a new location. I know you both will enjoy steaks from the grill.

  2. We got our tomatoes in today, along with a bunch of other things. It was actually warm out.

  3. I would love to have that raised bed in my back yard!

  4. Hi Larry, we will also be enjoying steaks this weekend, but unfortunately ours are cooked on an indoor grill as we are not apt-dwellers. Hope that you enjoy as wonderful a holiday weekend as everyone can these days. Your neighbors do have a nice raised garden and after all those years are experienced vegetable growers.
