Friday, May 1, 2020

Fried Out Day......

I ventured out to buy our weekly groceries this morning.  It was not crowded.  Following the arrows when it isn't busy is crazy. They talked about meat going into scarcity so today the packaged meat was so minimal. Chicken was bought up and the beef wasn't out for sale.  Lots of hamburger was there and I am betting they are saving the meat back for their counter where they hand wrapped it for the customers.

We were predicted to have a hot day but it is cloudy and cold instead.  It may get 76 degrees but I do doubt it.  I am trying to design and build a potting shelf but am having difficulty. Maybe today I can do it.  I just couldn't cut a board as I could not figure out how to make it work.  I did look up things on the net and found a bracket that I could make for supports for the shelf.

Our Ella turns one year old today.  She is such a sweetie. She is not walking but she will be soon. She explores a lot, crawls very fast, and pulls herself up on everything.  Our son sent this action filled photos.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sweet baby girl, they keep us smiling thank goodness.
    Your flowers are so pretty, are those Spanish Bluebells ?
    Have a good day Larry, I giggled at your blog post title :)

  2. I love that first photo of those sweet purply/blue bell shaped flowers. What are they? Your granddaughter is a sweetie. I've not ventured out to the grocery store yet.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Ella will be running with her brothers before long! Happy Birthday to your Ella! :)

  4. Those are beautiful flowers! But the video gets my vote for cuteness!

  5. Oh, how sweet....happy belated birthday to Ella.
