Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sun Behind the Clouds....

In the early morning there was sun but now the clouds have moved it. It doesn't look promising but the clouds could clear by this afternoon.

It is a gray that doesn't comfort the soul. Gray on gray and we have cool temperatures this morning.

The bright spot in the clouds is welcomed as maybe there is hope for sun.  It was strange as to how hot it became last week and now we are back to cool.  When I mow tomorrow I really don't want to wear a coat to do the job.
The knock our roses look healthy but only one out of the three is blooming. I am thinking this rose is a different kind than the other two as the bloom is a more simple kind. I will have to wait and see when the other two.  I have been here three years and I would have thought I would have noticed that before now.
The dianthus did survive the winter and are putting out new blooms. I usually have hardy geraniums or petunias planted in this front garden but I won't be at the store for awhile.

This red peony grows out in the front yard.  I didn't plant this one.  It is different than my grandmother's red peony.  I will have to take a photo when that one does bloom.

The old fashion peony is doing well.  I moved it to that location a couple of years ago as a small sprig.  I have four peonies in a row here but only two of them will bloom this year. Next year there should be four strong plants.

We had church on television via the internet this morning. Our church has opened up but it is limited in numbers divided into three services.

The guy built the fence last summer and I now know why. He is digging a hole for a swimming pool.  I wasn't going to take a lot of photos but I did snap this one.  I see a grandson is sitting on his grandpa's lap enjoying the backhoe machine. They are working on it again this morning trying to smooth things out for the pool. It is going to be a big pool.

I hope every one is staying safe out there.  We are staying inside for now and maybe forever. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is a big pool! I always enjoy seeing your different plants blooming. I have several online services I watch. We are still trying to stay in as much as possible for now.

  2. Yes staying at home forever is a possibility! At least in our lifetime. Safer there. I enjoyed seeing your flowers, watching the pool construction could be fun for you! :)
