Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday's Things.....

The front yard garden is coming back alive.  It is not looking real good as i haven't purchased any flowers at the green house.  The one at the grocery store is open but I just didn't venture out for that kind of thing yet.

I ran across a photo that my first cousin shared on the net.  It is a country school photo that includes my dad's picture. I have never seen him in photos being this young.  He is the little guy on the front bottom right. He was born in 1917 so this could be 1924.  I have another one similar that has his sisters in the photo and my dad has some facial features similar to Amye. It actually is his nose that looks just like his sister. It felt strange to be able to see something so far back in my dad's life.

This is the second photo of a different year.  The country school was east of Murray, Iowa.  In this photo my dad is again on the front right corner.  I think his brother Ralph is sitting next to him.

I do have a goldfinch coming to the sack feeder.  I don't see him very often but he is a flash of yellow when he flies by the house.

I am doing battle with my google photo storage today. I can't pull anything up so I will just stop writing. We took our friend to her second appointment today.  It was a long wait.

It is a gray day today and it did sprinkle in the morning.  I did not get to mow today even though I should have.  I hope everyone well today. Stay safe.


  1. Your front garden is very pretty! What a treasure to see these old photos with your dad. I love the goldfinch picture. We had rain all night and until lunch today. I'm sorry you are getting behind with mowing. I know this is a busy week and I am praying for you both and for your friend this week.

  2. How nice of your cousin to share old photos! What wonderful photos! Stay safe out there!
