Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday's Works.....

I have lilacs blooming at the old place. They are not full out yet but I could smell them while I was mowing. I didn't move lilacs to the new place so it was nice to see these in bloom.

When I transplant things I try to leave a lot of the original for the future people.  It has this one single bloom right now but it looks like there are a few more buds are there.

This fern leafed peony at the old place is on the south side of the house and it really likes it there.

This is a nice photo of the bleeding heart plant at the new place.  What is pathetic is the weather has taken out most of the blooms. This branch was under another adjoining plant was was protected from the weather.

My peony here at home was wrecked by the weather.  I used the worn pathetic before and I still think it applies here too. That is the difficulty about some plants as they bloom for a short time and if they don't get it to happen, then one waits another whole year to see it try again.

I mowed for a long time today at the old place and now am feeling pressured to get my front yard mowed here at home. Everyone but me has their yards now mowed.  We were cold most of the day and wearing layers were required this morning.

As I study our state's condition with  the virus, things are still bad. The two top age groups have ended up being the top victims of this disease.  Most people died were 61 years or older. Eighty percent of all deaths were of people over that age. If the core group of a younger group was the majority the people would be outraged and want answers. This situation seems to not be of any concern as 10 or 12 people, older ones, die each day. I do think there will need to be an understanding of the pandemic as the months move on.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The more I read and hear about the virus, the more I feel like our days are numbered.
    Sorry to be such a downer, but I worry about our grandchildren's lives, not my own. On the other hand you flowers give me something to smile about 😁
    Be safe dear friend.

  2. Sad to hear those numbers in your state, Larry. Things are somewhat better here in NH than some other locations such as our former home state of NJ. That said, the news is still unsettling. Lilacs have always been a favorite bloom because of the lovely scent. I wouldn't worry too much about the lawn until it warms up a bit. We are dressing in layers here as well. Stay safe, blog friend.

  3. I am wondering if life will be what it was before this pandemic. I think it will be a while, if it ever is.

    I have not seen the fern leafed peony before...it is beautiful.

  4. A lilac already!! I can almost smell it! I am not sure how this pandemic will end ...so many different views out there ...who do you believe. We are staying safe hope you are too:)

  5. The lilac is so lovely and I have always admired your fern leafed peony. 93 confirmed cases of coronavirus here with one death of an elderly patient. Nursing homes seem to be the worst hit.

  6. p.s. I should clarify that those virus numbers are for our county only.
