Monday, June 29, 2020

Surprise Blooms.....

I had seen the buds in the middle of last week.  When I took out the garbage this morning I was surprised to see the tree blooms on the day lily.

An old Easter lily survived the winter and is blooming now. It is so short in size compared to the regal lilies. We are hot and very humid today and I think the lilies like that weather.

The neighbors next to my new lily have this one blooming right now. It is a pale colored one compared  to my red one..

The other lily is this one with a darker color. Their knock out roses are still in a late bloom stage.

My camera was fogging over often every time I was trying to photograph this. Yesterday it was a good day for the flower and camera to get good shots.  This is the new one that we bought for our anniversary and it is a great rose. The flowers changing colors after they first open is displayed here with the older one becoming pale and pink. I have been too busy with life to dead head all of my roses. Maybe tomorrow I can get out and do some of it.  My knock out roses bloomed so well but now I have a lot of blooms to remove.  I need to much some more but I need to buy more of it.

We were at a doctor's visit today and our friend is going to be hospitalized tomorrow. We are so relieved that sshe can be taken care of for a few days.She needs some days of positive improvement and maybe the hospitalization will help.

As a current event I would like tor report that we have a new pool in our neighbor's yard. They have very young children and we were worried  about it.  It was fun to see that they only filled it full enough for the youngest boy to be able to walk around.  Older sister was dancing and splashing . I can't see them filling it to the top with a five and three year old. It is a big pool as it fills a large amount of the yar.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Praying that your friend's hospitalization will go smoothly and that she receives thorough and compassionate care. I love your daylily blooms and how nice that the Easter lily survived. The anniversary rose is really pretty. That is a big pool!

  2. For kids that age a fill it up and dump it splash pool would have worked:) Your flowers are lovely. I hope your friend improves with good care:)

  3. That first one is just absolutely gorgeous!
