Monday, July 6, 2020

Monday's News.......

A true full moon as is seen all around the world. I saw pictures posted of it in Minnesota, Texass, Shenandoah, Iowa and in India.

It helps to have the hot weather to stop the grass from growing. My neighbor's yard connects to mine and does always look greener. They get a better view of the new pool. We have the sound of kids at a pool now at the other side of this one south.  I think the dad over there must of bought a simple on ground pool to entertain all those kids. They are making pool noises and not tampoline noises.  We can't know for sure as the trees really shields their view of us.

We do have a new rubber ducky in our neighbor's pool. It is fun to see all the things they have bought for the kids and adults too.

I have been told that it is a butterfly weed. It does look like a weed until it puts this head of flowers out.  I have been seeing a monarch once in a while out there but I didn't have my camera with me. I also saw an red admiral in the front garden this morning. As I keep watering the flowers the butterflies should show  up more.

Another day lily is starting to put out blooms.  This so similar to my newest on and  yet there are size differences.  I moved this from the old place it has done well in the new garden.

The original phlox plants are up and at them. I have a lot of grasses to get out this whole patch.

Most all of my cone flowers are now in bloom.. I have a large batch of brown eye Susans that are just about to open.

I worked outside in the yard this morning. I moved young zinna plants to make a new row placing peat pots over them to keep the moisture on them while they root end.  I also moved a crowded rose over to my garden area where the voles have destroyed everything. That makes a red knock out moved there and also a  pink rose.

It did become too hot so I came in and cooled off.  I pulled grass around my tomato plants this morning and they got a good watering again. The buds are everywhere and I do think most every plant has set on some small tomatoes.  My one volunteer plant looks like it is going to be cherry tomatoes. I had not idea but I am glad I left it.

Our friend is still in the hospital. In many ways she is in better shape but confusion seems to remain. I think they will keep her in the hospital until she gets a lot stronger and more stable. Some therapy to get her back to walking will be good.

Thanks for checking in today. 

I edited this to the minimum and I hope it all makes sense.
After I wrote this I had to go back and re edit the title.  Eyes, fingers and brains are all taking a vacation.


  1. Good Afternoon, The moon picture is amazing. I enjoyed seeing all that is blooming in your yard. I have not seen the pink butterfly weed; I do see a lot of the orange on roadways around here. Your phlox does so well. That is something that does not do well here in GA. I'm thankful your friend is in the hospital to receive the care and rehab she needs. You take care in the heat.

  2. I took moon pics and need to download them...that was two or three days ago.

    I think the one flower might be swamp milkweed...monarchs like them. That day lily is gorgeous. I would like to get some different colored ones.

  3. The pink flower is a Milkweed and the butterflies love it! Your flowers all look so good! I bet your neighbor mows his lawn more than you do! He probably fertilizes it too. Does he have a sprinkler system?

    Boy that pool area look like it still needs some dirt moved! :)
