Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Morning......

A fogged over lens gives me some accidental shots that look good. I just keep wiping off the lens with my shirt tale. Eventually the camera warms up to the outside temp.

Cutting back the vine that covers the trellis is quite a job.  It will look bad for a couple of weeks but the vine ran out of trellis and grows ontop of itself. It also wants to grow into the  vents of the room heater/cooler. I am going to give it one more season.  It shoots loon vines along the patio floor.

I set up my tripod yesterday and snapped about 20 shots.  I wanted to get enough shots to identify them.  I had a hummingbird war yesterday so I have at least two different birds.

The funny think is that they all look alike.  I guess I will have to study them more closely.

Our friend is back to her apartment now.  She was in the hospital and then fourteen days of therapy to get her back partially walking. We took her back for a chemo session today.  She will be able to stay at her apartment with a health worker checking in on her.We drop her off and go home.  About two and a half hours later we get called and we go back to pick her up.

I could not figure why my oxalis was not growing, then I realized the rabbits were keeping them trimmed down.  Not I have it sitting on top of a milk can and I have leaves now.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Trimming that vine would be a big job. I love seeing the phlox in the "fog." Your lilies are so brilliant. Cute little hummingbird, too. I just don't have a good enough camera lens to capture the hummers but I so enjoy watching them. I am glad your friend is back to her apt. with the help of an aide. She has and is having a tough time. God bless her and thank you two for all you do for her.

  2. That is one agressive vine! Good to hear your friend is at home again and you are the taxi service:)
