Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday's Stuff.....

As a day lily the single flower is plain looking but it blooms in clusters making it look great. This variety was my first day lily that I had at the old place.

It was a typical sunrise with the angle of the sun continually changing with the earth's

The back yard has long shadows early in the morning.  The day is warming up fast.  I am using the peat pots to put on top of zinnia plants that I have moved to a new part of the rows. They tend to break the shock of the move and it protects them from the heat.

Early morning light makes different values on the phlox. This old stand by from the old place is really doing well in this location.

This modern phlox is in the front yard stone planter. It is hard to photo graph because of the intensity of the red but this is pretty close to the true color.  I put down a bag of mulch in this area this morning. The peony bed is right next to this and I am trying to make that bed look better. The previous owner had peonies in a row then filled it in withe scattered different kids of wild flowers. I called it my hippie garden but I am now trying to  transform it. I moved most of the yellow buttercups out of there and moved them in the back yard. I don't known what some of the other things planted there. It is like a lot of mother nature kind of plants that look shaggy and out of control.

It is Saturday afternoon now and I hope all of you are well. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The yellow daylilies really stand out. I also love the two colors of phlox. That is a plant that does not do well for me here. We have a problem with the neighbor's young dog that runs loose stepping and/or laying on our tender plants BUT we love him dearly, so we just deal with it. He spends most of his day at our home since his family is away during the day time. I hope the heat did not bother you today. It's in the mid 90's here and I watered this afternoon. In addition to John's foot, now something is wrong w/ his knee and he can't stand long. As we age, it is something new every day! (but we are thankful to be as healthy as we are)

  2. Such pretty Phlox! You captured the colors very nicely! Stay cool!

  3. I love that phlox...and I think I have that same yellow day lily. Mine is about done blooming. I think we are a bit ahead of you guys, though.
