Saturday, July 18, 2020

Stuff and more stuff......

A visit to the old place gives me some flowers to pick.  I really like the ditch lily, field lily, but I guess I realize that they spread over the years. They are the lilies in the back left side of the vase.  The vaxe is an old water bottle that was laying loose in the truck.

The mums needed to be trimmed back at the beginning of the month but I just didn't gget it done I did trim them finally and I think I will get bush mums by fall. My plants really didn't look so healthy as the drought was hard on them. I am watering them now.

I spent my morning cleaning up all the parts of the four drawer chest of drawers. There is evidence that the whole rack had collapsed at some time with the bottom of it being reworked by the owners to keep it together. I don't know if I laughed or cried when I discovered the top of the chest of drawers was nailed on by four large finishing nails. Wow, that is walnut and how did they hammer through the hardwood. Sometimes it is the stories that I find with a piece that makes me like restoring it. More pictures will come but I had to have it cleaned before I bring it into the basement workroom. It had been setting in a shed, dirt floor for a very long time.

The heat with the high humidity is amazing.  We had a surprise rain this morning as it fell through all of the humidity.  Then it cleared and got hot instantly.

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Good Afternoon, Your variety of lilies are so nice. I especially love that first picture. I look forward to your progress on the chest of drawers. It's so hot and dry here, nearly 100 degrees. I'm having to water, John is on crutches. I try to get out there very early morning. We had thunder today but no rain.

  2. All so pretty! I am excited to see your project completed!
