Saturday, July 25, 2020

Sweaty Saturday....

This is still blooming but not in such large numbers anymore. It really likes tis weather and still  has lots of buds on it.

I have a couple of these still blooming but the  Japanese beetles chewed up most of them. I was out with hedge clippers and cut most of the rose back as the dead buds and spent buds needed to go. I was hoping that the beetles were going to gone but it   probably is the beginning of their season.  I may have to spray them ever day.

My two rabbits ate it all off to about two inches. It had all the blooms and foliage to fill them up good. I have kept it up on the deck to keep it away from my critters. I see the one rabbit out there once in a while. It has been slow to bloom but I decided that I needed to get it out into full sun.

So far I think it is always the same bird.  I will keep taking photos and maybe I can see a different on out there.  The red is not the birds color on its throat but it is the reflection on its white throat.

It is very humid out there. I watered my tomato patches as they keep growing taller. I started to cut back on my one large vine on a trellis. It took two times cutting with me taking a break in the middle of the job. I haven't cleaned up the mess but I can let it lay to die back before I haul it away in my truck. I think I will stay inside for the rest of the day. I hope everyone is doing well.  Stay cool, stay safe and stay inside. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have the prettiest flowers. I love the photo of the hummer. My new hummingbird feeder is blue and several of us were curious if the hummers would show up - THEY DID! It's such fun to watch them. It is hot here and we are staying in.

  2. Lots of pretty yellow flowers in your yard, Larry. Shame on the bunnies for eating the flowers and hope they will recover with the relocation. You did get a good hummingbird shot as I never had any luck in catching a photo when we had feeders in our yard. Take it easy in the hot weather.

  3. The J. beetles were eating my hibiscus flowers. I hate your flowers.

  4. Such pretty flowers! Stay safe and was horrid sweaty hot here too:(
