Thursday, July 30, 2020


If you fill your feeder, they will come. I noticed the absence of hummers and checked things out.  It was bone dry. I was so surprised to see they could have emptied it so quickly. The scene you see in early evening that rain clouds were moving around.

I looked out and in less than an hour they were back.  I even had a hummingbird war going on out there.

I moved my pot of agapanthis to the front of the house. It needed to fill in a little from being inside all winter.It filled in and looked more healthy after sitting out on my back patio.  It isn't any big deal other yshn its a nice green spot on the front porch step. I have two of them but I didn't bring the second one. The "knock out roses" are starting to bloom again.

I keep taking random shots of my begonias and the photos still do not do the plant justice. I think it ts the fault of the transparency of the petals that the camera can not pick up.

I was surprised to see a late bloom on this plant. I am not sure why it is late but I guess it could be a late starting new sprout. Hydrangea is the name now that I recall.

I worked for about an hour at the old place today.  I needed to trim out more unwanted starts of mulberry trees and other kinds.  I drove my truck right up the sidewalk into the yard next to the area. I was pretty exhausted as I was working in the sun and loading the branches was never ending. I found that I had the truck full of branches and I needed reserve energy to unload the truck at the towns branch wagons.  I always have a couple people who want to stop and catch up on things. The guy who also lives in Florida is going to leave Iowa as soon as his sister better from a broken leg. He is always here for the Iowa State Fair. The other person talks travel to their summer Utah home.  She has two daughters that I had in school 20 years ago and the actually live in suburbs near me.

Small towns do stay small and I visited twice this week. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your front garden is looking so nice. The agapanthus you shared is growing well but has not bloomed yet. Your begonia blooms are such a delicate color. How nice to be enjoying a hydrangea bloom. I had a nice rain late this afternoon!

  2. Yes you have a new Hydrangea...good for you! Nice that you have people sto[p by and visit at the old place:)

  3. Glad the hummers are visiting again, and if course they would with a new food supply. Yes, on small towns being where people talk more and gather often. Don’t work too hard to both places with the summer heat. Have you any plans to sell or rent the “old place” as it does take work to upkeep 2 homes as we well know too.
