Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday's Things.......

I use to have a blog friend that lived on the west coast.  She could look out her  kitchen window and see Mt. Rainer and there were humming birds year round. It has been a while and she must not blog anymore. The person had a sweet white poodle and chickens in her back yard. Her daughter liked making miniature gardens. I had not thought of that blog person for years.

I had a young robin drop out of a tree yesterday. The adults were very upset.  I think the bird fluttered itself back into the tree as I returned later and all was fine. I watched the nest in my back deck and they kept feeding but suddenly they were gone. I never saw the birds other that some which could have been them sat on fences as if they did not know what to do.

The knock out roses are coming back after I had dead headed all the old blooms. I have only four or five blooms right now. We got the good rain a couple of days ago so it should speed blooms up again.

The begonia is coming around and starting to have blooms all over. I like the shiny leaves.

I worked at the old place this morning trimming stray weeds and trees out of my flower beds. I didn't begin to get done. I have a large pile of limbs and small sticks to show my success but I have so much more to do. I will have to go more often next week and see if I can get it all the way trimmed once.

I did dig a part of a field lily to bring to the new place.  I will have to find a place to plant it to keep it from invading the whole property. I may put it in a pot for now so I can think out my strategy.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I love the flower pictures you shared today. Everything looks so colorful and healthy. Our plants seem faded in the sun. I always enjoyed KathyB at Cedar Pond blog but it's been a long time since she posted. She had Jacob sheep and she would weave rugs etc.

  2. It is supposed to get real warm so be careful out there! :)

  3. My boss had some field lilies planted against a building....well, between the building and the sidewalk. They could not spread that way.
