Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday....Heat and Humidity.

I took a day off and had no blooms showing. I thought they always has at leas one bloom out each day.  I guess not.

I could keep taking photos of this in dozen of positions but I think every one would be bored. The red of this flower is so intense and pure. I may move some of this to another part of the property.
It was time for us to make another cobbler.  I picked up strawberries to put in with the rhubarb. When I cook up the rhubarb and tossed in the fresh strawberries with it before adding it to the pan. My wife did the topping to make it all so good to eat.

The orange cone flower is a little peaked but it is pretty. We seem to be a little dry and the flowers are not so perky.

I mowed the front yard today collecting grass for the tomato plants. I did get some of the tomato plants mulched.  The raised bed is almost to big for me to maintain.  I will put in steel posts to help hold uup the plants and then I can get into the middle of the bed to finish the job. In another year I may just plant flowers in the middle of the ring of tomatoes.

The robins are feeding babies already as I sat out and watched for a while.  They have the nest placed so the can fly in from under the deck and then fly out on the other side.  I would have to get a stepladder to get a   photo but I won't do that.

I am still regulating my amount of time working outside. I have been having balance problems when I work too long so I do know when it is time to quit. The heat doesn't help but I am glad that I can get done the things that need to be done.  I will mow the other half of the yard tomorrow.

I mulched a lot of things but I ran out of mulch.  I had forgotten as to how good that all looks when it is down.  I will get some more soon but we have a holiday hitting some time soon. I can shop there at the hardware with out picking up any germs.

It is Wednesday and the first of July.  I have to work hard to save photos into the July file because I forget. The summer seems to be humming along.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Our friend is doing better being placed in the hospital. Her treatments weakened her and she had infections in a couple areas of her body. We can not visit her but she can call my wife for as long as her battery lasts on her phone. A health nurse had to get her checked in for care.


  1. The heat and humidity make it hard to stay in the yard/garden long. Balance problems in the extreme heat are no fun. Those daylilies are very pretty and I enjoy your coneflowers, too. We usually use pine straw as mulch as it is lighter and easier to transport for us. I do prefer the pine bark mulch, though. I'm glad you could sit and watch the robins feed their young. Thank you for the update on your friend. I hope she continues to improve and get stronger. Thankful that at least she can talk to Della by phone.

  2. p.s. the strawberry rhubarb cobbler looks delicious!

  3. Gorgeous red flowers! I'll never get tired of bright red flowers.

  4. I think that Day Lily is called Red Magic and it is so very pretty! The heat and humidity are terrible up here too and will get worse this weekend. Good to hear your friend is doing better:)

  5. Oh, my , those red flowers are gorgeous!
