Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Checking in Wednesday


The birch tree is a survivor of the hurricane winds.  They are now saying the strongest winds were at 140 mph.  The birch had a large branch from the silver maple fall on it taking off two limbs. 


I had been gone for a while and discovered today that he had to take out the backyard ash tree.  It was very large in a v shape and the one half split and fell. I am sure it would have looked bad. It was an overwhelming  time seeing all that I will have to do to correct things throughout the yard. 

My gate will have to go as well.  I took down the arbor today and it is in a pile ready to be trashed. I think the other blue gate will have to come down. I found more things wrong that what is right.  I will just work at it an area at a time. I brought one of my trellis home and will probably use it at the new place. It needs a good paint job. 

I brought in a couple more stalks of glads. The two are on the opposite of the color wheel.  They are doing so well this  year out in the garden.  I watered them all yesterday keeping them growing. 

I thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. So sad to see your trees gone at the old least one tree survived. Those were some awful winds:(
