Saturday, August 22, 2020

In the Afternoon.....


Summer time with picking tomatoes daily. I need to get a container to help me do the job. I gave the neighbors some more today.

The wave petunia is alive again. The hurricane winds unhooked it and rolled it out into the yard. The dirt is was planted in held together but it sort of shocked it.


It has been a good Saturday. I avoided yard work by just not doing in.  We are really dry so things can be long but it really isn't growing. I have a high school classmate that wrote today telling everybody she was life flighted to the capitol city with covid.  Southern Iowa is a hot spot for the disease.  We have been living risky the past two days with my wife's friend and taking her to the medical check ups I was caught in a situation where things were not ideal. 

Thanks for stopping by today at my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Your tomatoes and flowers look good! Try to stay as safe as you can:)
