Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Storm's Aftermath.....


Our house in Woodward was hit with hurricane winds on Monday. I haven't gone up yet as they did close the town down because of all of the down power lines. We are going up this afternoon to see where we will start to get this cleaned up. I will have to go up most days everyday until it is cleaned up. If you look up at the very top of the photo you can see my Anderson window hanging on something.  My neighbor went in last night and pulled it into the house and got the space filled. I see three kinds of trees in the pile.  Our town of Ankeney is covered with down branches especially in the older section of town.  I had to drive to a drop off station in parking lot north of town. The older trees really did take major hits.


  1. So sorry to read about the storm damage, Larry. I had read about these storms and wondered if any bloggers would have been affected. Hope clean-up isn't too difficult or costly.

  2. So sorry to hear that! Hope you can cope with the clean-up and repairs effectively.

  3. I am so sorry this happened. Wish we could help.

  4. So hard to see those poor trees and the damage. Take care!

  5. I heard there were 100 mph winds. What a mess to clean up. Stay safe Larry:)
