Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Day to Rest and.........


Flowers for the soul today. It is nice to have the glads inside and being able to see them up close. I have some more to pick as these start to wither.

Glad do grow like this with them flopping any which ever direction.  I gave the shot a tilt to get the most in the photo.

The colors of them are always great. It is critical to dig them before it freezes outside as they will come up again next year.

We stayed home today having an emotion rest from the old place and also some physical rest. We will return and clear another area  Friday. I ordered an electric chain saw today and I can get serious with some of the smaller things.  The hosta above was just transplanted in our front yard a few days ago.  You can see the high winds whipped all of the leaves off of it.  

We are told that parts of Iowa had winds classified as Category One to Category two in parts of the state. When we look at the history of the radar we did get hit extremely hard. In a neighboring town the wind drove two by four boards through the walls of houses. 

The wind has shifted my tomato  plants from their original position to their right side lean. It really shoved them around.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Good luck with the cleanup. I had an electric chain saw once and it worked great...wear good boots:) Your Glad are beautiful!

  2. Glad you took a day to rest your soul! Nice Glads.
