Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Day of Rest......


 It is warm and windy. We are to hit 94 degrees F. today. It just keeps drying everything out and things are shutting down.

I picked some zinnias yesterday.  I like how the are such good cut flowers. I will need to keep at it bringing them in as fall does mean frosty weather. 

It took a while to getting use to the potting shelf but I do use it now. I never had one before so I always worked off the ground on the patio table.  

We are taking it easy today. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such lovely cloud pictures. The zinnias are so pretty. I love your potting bench. That's a great place to work. Glad you are enjoying a restful day.

  2. Hope you had a restful day!! Looks like your potting bench is just the ticket!
