Friday, September 18, 2020


 Even though we got a good rain for five days, we are still in a drought. The yuccas love it and they have gorown large in these past two years. It would nice if they would bloom next spring but I don't thinke they are mature enough for that.

I had to reset my brick legs as they had settled into the soil crooked. The slab is from the old foundation of my old house up north. The slab is flagstone and probably was originally a part of the foundation of the house before they put in a glazed red brick basement. The bricks were salvaged from the old mining town of Moran south of us. I picked them up before they came in and destroyed a row of houses to make the west lane of highway 141. All bricks at that time were made and fired in local brick facotries. Adel, Iowa still has a modern brick factory that ships bricks all over the United States.

The bricks are an old fashion shape and size. I like that color. I kept diigging up bricks on the two lots of the old place.

A spontaneous shot of the tomato collection.  The wired in a wad is compliments of me. leaving it there from taking down a trellis. We are getting growths on our tomatoes so we are about through picking any. I do have a volunteer plant that has a lot of green tomatoes not yet ripened. 

Yes I could remove the post as it isn't holding up the volunteer tomato anymore. I took down some of the fence and it makes the flower garden look better. 

Hiding  in the jungle is this volunteer morning glory looks great. The day stayed cool so the blooms hung around for most of the day. 

We are safe in most instances but I still go to the grocery store of a large populated city.  Our schools have 13,000 students in total and they are back in school. That number of students have 300 or more students in quarantine  because of their exposure to the ones who actually have the covid.  Getting them back in school has been good as they were able to identify the sick ones. A large number of teachers are also at home because they were exposed to the sick one. Our neighbors are older but we do have young families among us.  I now know that I still need to be careful and we can't be tempted to go any where else but for groceries. When we are isolated it is hard to believe the disease is among us. 


An animal carried the tomato over to eat it. I am not certain what squirrel of chipmunk that is eating it. I mowed the yard today and saw that laying over there this afternoon.

Thanks for stopping by today. Everyone take care and be safe.


  1. Your yucca has really grown. The blooms will be beautiful. I had a jr. college friend to pass away from Covid a couple of weeks ago. He became a Pastor and had a beautiful singing voice, also. He was 63. Such a shock. You enjoy those last tomatoes; they sure are bright and pretty.

  2. Yes I know the feeling Larry...we spend our days alone too and all seems well so day at a time. Cases are increasing in the county where we pick up our groceries. :(

  3. Good to read that you and your wife are keeping safe, Larry. We also go out to do our own shopping and take the necessary precautions. Old bricks are interesting and I collected older ones from a neighbor at our VA home and used for curbing the front flower beds vs. buying new man-made materials from a garden center, and there really weren't any nearby anyway. The tomatoes look good too.
