Monday, September 21, 2020

Monarch Mania......

 Yes, I mulched some more today, trying to block out water grass and weeds. I returned to the store to buy four more.  In the middle of the work I was invaded by monarch butterflies. 


I was taking a break when I noticed fluttering wings of many butterflies. I have seen a migration a few  years back but it was great to see another. Six or more were all over the zinnia patch.  I ran to get my camera


My rest from working was snapping photos.  I had to stand still for along time as they flew around picking the best flower. At the end of the shoot, only one butterfly remained. I actually walked away. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Spectacular !
    I love seeing the Monarchs, when one lands on you it's magical :)

  2. trying to capture those butters is a pain! There were flurries of them on the Kewash path and the best I can do is capture three at a time. Mostly blurry. The sliver moon was red last night! Very striking. My camera hates staking photos in the dark though.
