Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Day....Cold.

 Begonia world with its shiny leaves and shiny petals. I will bring it in before it gets frosted. 


Twins but not identical ones. I am going to pick a couple of bouquets before the frost as I can keep some of the spirit of the zinnias inside for quite a while.

One rugged last bloom that showed up on the day lily. It isn't a great bloom nor a great photograph. It will be one of thirst day lily early spring. 

This is the nook downstairs next to the downstairs basement. If were a busy full family the drawers would be full of towels. It is just full of antique things, novelties and dishes. 

We do enjoy our sun room more as it gets colder. Della completed another painting out there the last few weeks. It is nice to get away from the television and sit outside watching birds and neighbor dogs. 

It has been a slow day for me but I did get the front yard mowed.  I had to wear a winter coat. The wind was cold. The grass was long but it is not so thick. Thank you for checking in today.


  1. You still have lots of color there Larry. I love your antique dresser, so very pretty.

  2. My bank teller had a big bouquet of zinnias on her desk yesterday. I sure have enjoyed yours this summer. So happy you and Della are enjoying the sunroom.
