Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday Folly....

 Suburbia sunset on a cold evening still is striking. I had to stand in the street to get this shot. I was glad I could get something like this for the day. 

The second full moon is our back of my house this time.  It was up there early in the evening.  I saw clouds in front of it and was glad to capture it as it probably was going to go under clouds soon.

A closer view of it turns it yellow and is yellow.  The clouds keep me from getting a good focus but it does look like Halloween. 

Proof of the full sun this morning is shown with this table on the sunroom table. The flowers missed out on the hard freeze. 

We spent most of day yesterday doing paper work to finish up the plans to get Della's friend into a nursing home. We had three different locations to visit so Della could sigh paper work to get it all to happen. My wife was at the hospital signing things for Shari's release from the hospital and the woman who had Della sign papers took her up to see her friend. What a surprise for both of them as we had not seen her for three months.  She was transported to the nursing home this morning. 

I had to make a quick run to have my blood drawn this afternoon as they wanted to recheck things. I hope I pass the test. Thanks for sopping by today.


  1. Spooky Moon! IT was certainly bright last night. Looks like your snow finally melted.
    Cheryl says next week will be warmer. Fingers crossed. She has to run a race in Kansas City. ( high of 72? We shall see about that...)

  2. So glad you and Della know where your friend will nice that they got to see each other! That must have been a really nice hospital person!! I hope your blood tests are okay:)

  3. These are great Halloween photos. So thankful Della could visit with Shari. God bless Shari as she adjusts to her surroundings, keep us updated on your medical progress.
