Saturday, October 3, 2020

Saturday's A Go.....


Pretending that I can't see him. He isn't scared of me and sits quit still while I am looking at the zinnias. He could of bolted and run but he didn't do so.

The aater is dry and I was going to water it this morning.  It has been sprinkling all morning so I didn't water it. My wife has a fond memory of her mother who use to grow asters in her garden just for the butterflies. She has been gone many years but I like having plants that give people good memories.

I thought I had two different kinds of sedum here and this photo does two different colors of blooms. Red and pink go together. Our drought did effect the blooming and sizes of the plants. There is always next year.

Volunteer marigolds are looking great this fall.  I like things that come up on their own. I did not know what color it would be as I had yellow ones too. 

Homecoming week ended last night with the big game. Our Ankeny Hawks team defeated the neighboring Johnston team by not allowing them no score. The tradition of hanging tp in the trees continue. I don't know if the other high school hand their homecoming last week or if they doing it on another weekend.

A different flower for this blog space is the yellow marigolds. These were a tall variety that now good now that it is fall. We are having a cool rain day but we did need the rain. 

Thanks for stopping by today

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the photo of the TP hanging from the trees it made me think back to this past spring when finding any on the shelves were so hard to do for so many people. Now, apprently there is enough for it to be used rather wastefully by college kids. Sorry, but it does seem rather senseless to me.
