Sunday, October 18, 2020

Snow on Sunday......

 I brought in flowers yesterday afternoon. I had few zinnias that were still looking good and I brought in some roses. My pot with zinnias has a poor color of glaze on it but it is a good shape.

Snow covered the ground and it should help to shut down the flowers. I didn't get my hardy geraniums dug but I bet they are still good. I can dig them on Monday.

 My wife's milk glass vase is holding the three roses that I clipped yesterday. I have on more cluster of buds on the rose and it might just bloom if it warms up some more. All three of them are at different stages of maturity.

We are having to run the heater in the sun room for parts of the day. It gets pretty cold when we have snow on the ground. I sometimes forget to bring in the flowers from out there but it hasn't gotten that cold yet. 

My recent diagnosis from the doctor is one of me now having diabetes. I have been feeling bad for the year and my stamina was low. I understand why I could not work for long periods of time. It all makes sense and I know I can deal with this. Sugar is my addiction but that now changes. We will shop tomorrow to see some of the things that is suggested for that kind of required diet. I have a few more visits to the doctor until my body adjusts to the meds. 

It has been a quiet Sunday around here and resting seems to be the thing to do. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I see you got the snow I sent! So sorry to hear of your diabetes diagnosis. Hope the meds and eating habits make you feel better:)

  2. I pray that the medicine and diet make you feel much better. The snow on the tree looks like a postcard. The roses are so pretty.
