Tuesday, October 20, 2020



 Yesterday we had nine inches or more of snow; The top of the bird feeder shows the depth. Today we are meltingl

Our neighbors to the southeast had solar panels installed about two weeks ago. They did not have their solar working yesterday but today most of the snow is gone. 

The neighbor to the northeast has a pool that looks a little cold. They are expecting a new baby at that household. The pretend pond seems strange as we can watch the effects of the weather on the water. 

The junco birds are back.  They showed up at the feeder yesterday during our second snow event. I always am glad to see them. We did not have them here about ten years ago. I believe the go as far as Canada in the summer.

We both went to the grocery store today as yesterday it was to slick to be out. Lots of shopping for foods that I can eat.  I was thinking for awhile that all I could eat was the cardboard that the food comes in. We found some good things to start our new adventure with diabetes. All of this diet change is a shock to my system and to my bad habits. I am slowly tossing out good stuff that I can't eat anymore. I have the best wife in the world helping out to get things figured out.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. That is a lot of snow. I am thankful you could travel to the store today. I know you are thankful and grateful for Dellas help with your new diet,

  2. You will find some things you can eat...meat for one...have some meat with your meat...and vegetables of all kinds! Is Angel Food Cake on your list of ok foods?? I know you have to watch the carbs too...it is a balancing act:(

  3. I thought of you the other night...I saw were Iowa was having a lot of snow, and wondered if it included where you lived.
