Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday Morning....

 I took a short walk out into the backyard yesterday afternoon. My wife went with me to see that I could do it.  The flowers are all gone. Spring seems far away now. The flag iris leaves a nice foliage that will look good int the snow. 

I at first had a tough time identifying this but it is my new day lily. It has not died back completely yet. It was a good bloomer so it will do well again when we warm up.

The rhubarb is gone and the hostas are too. It seems to be my wall of the house that has a western theme. I think they were carriage wagon wheels.


The maple tree was full of birds while I was taking my walk. I have leaves to rake or mow up with my mower in the spring. Better is the word for today. I am getting use to shooting myself with insulin and taking my blood readings three times a day. I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. Thankful you could walk around the yard with Della. I love the carriage wheels. I hope to buy more daylilies next year. Our low was 43 this a.m.

  2. Glad you could get outside. Weplanted a bunch of new daylilies this summer.

  3. You sound better and walking in the yard is a good thing:)
