Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Last of It.......

 It looked like this a week ago. Now they are all gone. I have been gone because of a food poisoning that is not just a one night flu.


  1. Oh no that can be miserable, hope you feel better soon!

  2. Nice picture. About a year ago, I had food poisoning so I know how horrible it can be, God bless.

  3. Aww, hope you are feeling better !
    I had to jump to a different browser, apparently it's the Google browser stopping my visits and alerting to a dangerous site....go figure.

  4. Feel better soon! Food Poisoning sucks! All of our color is gone as well. Whatever is left on the trees is now brown and sparse. But I have to say this year was perhaps the best color I have ever seen while being in Iowa. I think it lasted longer and was more colorful than previous years. ( Only been here 10 years now... Whew! That long?) Seems like only yesterday ....

  5. Hi Larry, Hope you are feeling better real soon:) Thinking of you!

  6. Wow, you have had a lot go on...I am reading back through the posts not trying to comment on all. I remember you had diabetes to deal with. But I had not visited in a while even to look. I am so sorry all this is happening to you.
