Saturday, November 21, 2020

Turning Around.....

Daytime clouds are subtle and yet are beautiful. It was gray like this all day yesterday.  I took the shot yesterday while walking with my wife to the mailbox. 


 The fluffy clouds were actually being moved along with a breeze up in the sky. I think there was a sun behind all of this. 

I will keep blogging but I will have to stay tough on the task. The eyes are blurred from the changing  levels of blood sugar and I was told that it would improve and I will see more clearly. I am not sure the photos are focused and typing is almost impossible for me. I don't want to stop blogging. . I am checking in on your blogs as I can see your photos.

I am turning the corner in getting better from my surgery and life looks better. I thanks you for stopping by today



  1. I am thankful you were able to take the pretty cloud photos to share. I know you have been so sick and I am sorry to hear of your vision difficulties, I pray that you will continue to improve and I look forward to your blog posts, the flower photos are beautiful. John is not able to get around currently so I drove to the ball field and he sat in the car and watched the practice games. He was a little league umpire and it brought back lots of memories for him, I continue to pray for you and Della.

  2. Regadless of that, your blog is looking good.

  3. You are doing fine! Glad you are a bit better! One day at a time:)

  4. These are lovely shots Larry. I had to go back and read a couple of posts I missed to catch up on your health news. I'm glad you are doing better, and will pray for you and Della. May you have a lovely Thanksgiving week.

  5. So sorry to read you are having a slow time of healing Larry, but hang in there, a few weeks further and things will change for the better. Your pictures brought a smile to my face on this dark and gloomy rainy day.
    Thank you, and continued healing wishes sent your way.
