Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 The zinnias that I brought in as as a bouquet have all dried up and looke weathered. I am hoping that I can get seed from them.

They did look like this a week or so ago. I have collected seed but it is worth a try to get some more.

We were not going out there for a while so they did die a natural death. The got to have the cold temperatures at night to age them.

The ones that I brought in earlier are probably ready for me to put into jars. I see I have saved some marigold buds and some loose onions. 

Every day is one more healing day for me. The shooting of insulin each day is easier and I do feel better. I had a walk to the mail box this morning and I did refill one of the bird feeders. I am not getting any birds today. I don't understand that. We are having a rainy day with cold.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Glad you feel better and that the shots are becoming easier. Best wishes with the seeds.

  2. So glad you are feeling better! Hope you and Della have a Happy Thanksgiving!
