Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday's Stuff.....

 When the hurricane strength winds hit our town at the old place this tree took a large hit. It lost four major limbs that were spread all over the front yard. You can see how the yard was so torn up from the equipment that drug the parts of it out of there. Later on the city came in to trim up some of the stray branches. 

When I bought the property 44 years ago there were five of these silver maples standing. The house is over 104 years old so who can know how old the trees were.  I do know that there was evidence of two more trees that were standing but had been removed before 1976.  One stood at the back of the house and hand fallen onto the house. Another stood to the east of this one that is shown here.  

One Friday the city took the tree down. It was the very last of them to come down. We lost two others, three years ago when the city had a special ditch project. So this tree is gone.  I have not seen the house since it was removed. I am glad that I had a good birch tree planted next to the house and a pine tree at the other end of the house so it won't look so naked.

The Merry Go Round is so fun to see at night with all the lights and music. It adds motion to the imaginary village. 

I ordered all of my presents for my wife this year on the internet. The last thing that I ordered for her came today. It was the first one to come in an oversized box.  I did hear sounds later in the day and another delivery truck brought a couple more boxes. I may not get everything before Christmas but things look good for now.  

We really are not melting much today as we are just not above a freezing temperature. The snow is shrinking though and we are suppose to worm up in a couple of days. I like snow for Christmas but it may not be so white.  I am getting tired of the cold.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So sad to see old trees taken out. Glad you have some kind of trees at the old place:) Stay warm! That is one beauty of a Christmas Card we got in the mail today! Thank you!

  2. Your blog header photo is so pretty with the Christmas tree reflections,
    Such a shame to lose old shade trees. At my old home place the city came along and cut down large trees my great grandfather had planted.
    I love the shots of your snow village, especially the carousel.
    Have a blessed day.πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
