Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Flying the Flag....

 Our flag still flies today in spite of the political changes going on today. We are told that the constitution is just a set of rules that we can follow or not follow when it works best for certain political parties. Seventy five million voters today are watching the opponents celebrate in their dishonesty and stolen fraudulent election. We are not going to be de-programed  and we are not going to go away soon. 

Don't tell my wife but I did shovel a path on the deck.  I needed to get to the feeders to fill them. It was very cold to the fingers but I did get it so I didn't have to wade through snow banks. 

We have had some dull days but the clouds have opened up off and on. It is good to see the blue sky showing through the dark ones.

The tray feeder was totally cleared so I had to go fill that again this morning. The sparrows didn't like me hanging the seed bag on it and now I have moved it to make them happy. 

Thanks for stopping by today.....


  1. We didn't watch. You flag waves so nicely in the sunshine:)

  2. I did not watch either...I am trying not to say anything. I just get upset when I think of it all and the bias of the media.
