Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday's Mentions.....

 A photo that I bought from a fellow blogger quite a few years back. I don't remember her name and she has stopped blogging.  The woman had lived on the west coast.  She and her husband moved to the east coast and she fell in love with all the things she could photograph. Eventually she sold her framed photos at art shows and got too busy to blog. 

I share our art gallery every once in a while. It is on our lower level where there is plenty of wall space to display the paintings. We actually have two walls with ceiling mounted spotlights enhance the works.

 A painting that I did a long time ago of the tee pee that stood on the edge of Lake Superior.  The scene is out the window of a casino owned by the Indian tribe of the area.  The Birch Bark Cafe faced the water and we would buy breakfast there in the years we visited the North Shore in Minnesota. I remember that they had the best French Toast.

My wife's painting of a cardinal hands among the different art works on the wall.  My wife paints great landscapes but she is also great at painting animals.

The melting away of snow from the tree will be filled in today. We are suppose to get up to a foot of snow this afternoon through tomorrow. 

We actually lost snow in the sunshine the last few days even though it was never above freezing. We are getting lots of wind now.  We will wait and see what happens to us.  We have all the groceries we need for a few days so we will just hunker down. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I heard you would get the snow dump...lucky you :( Stay warm and safe!

  2. I love the teepee and cardinal painting...and would love to have time to stand and see the art on your walls.
