Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday at Starbucks.....

Teddy is the middle child in the family.  He doesn't get much press because he has such a cute little sister. Teddy is a bundle of energy with such a great personality.  He loves life and smiles all of the time. Ask him to sing a song and he will belt it out without a hesitation. His dad sent this photo of their family snowman project. He will be five in April.

 I need to figure out how to get to the bird feeder without falling on the ice.  I suppose I will have to take the snow route.  Things melted a couple of days for only a few hours but we will not melt again for quite a while. We may have snow on the deck again as we have two overlapping fronts coming through today and tomorrow. 

Friday evening's sky was looking like this.There may be a sun hiding in there behind some clouds. 

We went early to our grocery store and pharmacy to beat any bad weather that is suppose to be coming. We were too early for me to pick up my meds so we shopped for a few things first. We took it to the car and then I returned to sit and wait for the pharmacy to open.  I got a Starbucks coffee to drink while I waited. It was very good.  

It is expensive to be a diabetic and I see that our newly, illegally elected president has put a pause on the order to cause the companies to stop price gouging on insulin. Ten percent of the country is diabetic and that means everyone will pay higher prices for 100 days or more. I hope he revisits that thoughtless decision. I paid  today $500 dollars for a med that helps me for a month along with the insulin that I take.   I can hardly wait to see what the insulin will cost. Thank you Mr. Biden for being there for everyone but the American people. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh my Larry that is so sad...I don't think he knows what he is doing. I am wondering how we will afford to heat our homes if the costs of heating goes up. Gasoline consumption we can control...but we have to stay warm...some say that Gas will go up to about 9$ a gallon. Biden said it would be a dark winter...sure seems that way :(

  2. The Democrat motto: How can I out-stupid today what I did yesterday?

  3. Very few people know of that insulin price deal the former Pres put up. (Apparently, he didn't brag enough about himself...hehe) He was not funded by Big Pharma, so he could get it done for Diabetics. My mom had diabetes as long as I knew her and she was always scared of the insulin prices. It's a serious issue I wonder if he had fully thought of it or did he just sign the first thing that came across his desk. Hope the fuel prices don't go through the roof again...

  4. I fear what costs are going to be, too. Some of us can control some of gas usage but others have to go to work. And we all have to get out some. Sometimes more than other times. Such as I used to have to take Roger to therapy 2 or 3 times a week, and every Monday for Allergy shots.
