Saturday, January 9, 2021


 The new roof for the old free standing feeder seems to work well. The junco is looking over all the variety of seed that I have put in there.  This feeder is now competing with my window feeder as it sits near the blue spruce tree.

Birds can now fly out of the spruce and land on the nearby feeder. They seem to frighten easily so they can move back and forth quickly. 

I have tried to get a good shot of these jars for a month. Now that I have taken them away I did get a good departing shot. I noticed recently that I have another torpedo shaped jar in the workshop but its lid is so rusted that I will have to struggle to get it off the jar.


I had a memory loss of what happened to the glass candy collection.  I looked around and found the among my pottery storage. I decided I should put them out on display in the main room.

I moved out some geese and ducks and placed these in the spot. The car and phone belonged to  my mother when she was a kid.  She was born in 1919. The dog was given to me from my wife's cousin who we lost just a couple of years ago. The train was found under my feet while walking around in my wife's old farmhouse attic.  It has a broken part but still looks like a good train. That house is now gone. I can now see the photo is a blur.

I am blogging and watching a cooking show on the tele. They are making wonderful tortes of which I can never ever eat again. It can be frustrating but I keep watching them assemble their wonderful desserts. I will take more decorations down today.  The teddy bear tree is down and gone with the stuff animals all place in their containers. The tree went down the st stairs this morning.  I wish everyone to have a good Saturday.  Thanks for stopping.......


  1. It is nice to have the feeder near the spruce to give the birds a safe place. I love the old jars with the ornaments, The candy jars are fun and I love your mom’s from childhood. My mom was born in 1929. I remember how much work it is to take down Christmas decor and pack it safely away. Be careful and do not overdo, I enjoy watching cooking shows and looking at recipes online, we have to eliminate both salt and sugar in recipes. Maybe when fresh veggies become available in your area, you can enjoy salads. I wish you both a pleasant night,

  2. I so wish I could put feed for the birds without starlings getting 90% of it....they flock in here like crazy when I put some out. I still put some out, though.

    I like your display of glass...oh, those jars I LOVE.
