Sunday, January 17, 2021

Snowing a Little.....

 The cardinal was irritated with sparrow standing too close to him. He didn't spit out his seed while he was attacking. 

A distant shot through a window does make him look a little mean while he sits at the top of the maple tree. An enlarged blur isn't the best shot to share but I did.

You can see he has a little bit of attitude looking over at the sparrows at the feeder. I had to snap quickly as he didn't stick around for very long. 

My wife and I watched the funeral on the net of my Aunt Lois yesterday. She was the last of my living aunts and uncles.  She was married to my mom's brother Marvin.  Marvin had four children when his first wife died of TB.  He was 35 when he married Lois who had just graduated from high school. She was 18 and it was in 1949.  She inherited two boys and two girls of Marvin's first family. Lois had three more girls after she married. I remember attending their 50th wedding anniversary in 1999. 

Lois was such a kind, hard working women who was always giving to others, She was 89 when she died of old age and covid.  With the seven children in total she had so many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Their was a woman who did sign language at the funeral as Lois had one living brother survive her. He was deaf and Lois did know sigh language just for him for so many years.  Lois was buried at the Moon Cemetery in Mackburg, Iowa with all my very distant relatives. It is near the area of all the Bridges of Madison County. 

We have had a light snow this morning and it is below freezing. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My sympathy to you Larry. Those online Funerals are so hard. It seems like such a cold way to say goodbye.
    Your Cardinal friends are beautiful! Stay safe!

  2. Your Aunt Lois sounds like a wonderful woman...someone I would have loved to know. I am so sorry for your loss.
