Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Sun is in Sight.....

I am hoping the sun can really melt some of the snow. It would be nice to be a little bit warmer.. I just heard on the radio that it will be a high of 43 degrees F.


The  dogwood has grown the last couple of years. I will welcome it back with leaves on it again. 

I was reminded on the net today that this is a good time to trim back things. The roses did not get worked on so I will hope for a warmer February. The deer are going to stay out all winter and when it is cold an snowy they will glow with their white lights like sculptures. 

The wreath of live evergreens parts had these hot glue gunned to the front of it. I saved them but I don't like the hod glue that is stuck on them. I don't know what would happen if I would soak them in hot water. The starfish are so delicate and I haven't broken one yet. 

I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. Sun shining brightly there Larry ! Let's hope it melts all that snow...
    I didn't know about cutting the Dogwood's back so thank you for that little bit of wisdom.
    Hope you are staying well.

  2. We are supposed to get snow...possibly rain later today then snow. Stay safe out there. Chip away on the glue with a knife:)

  3. I need to trim back things...and clean off flowerbeds. The dead stems, etc. I normally do it in the fall but had a skin cancer removed on my face, then had to go back and have MOHS surgery, so did not want to be out and get dust/dirt in it.

  4. Meant to say here today, was not uncomfortable to be out with just long sleeves on if you were doing anything at all. Not sure how it would have felt to just sit outside.
