Friday, January 15, 2021



 Our deck collects a lot of snow when the wind heads that direction. The floor was almost melted off from the last storm but it is back to being covered up today.

The wind did cause a snow coating on everything. The sides of houses are coated with snow on the south sides. 

The patio table has a great load of snow on it. It is a flat metal table so a lot of wind for a long time had to have built it up to look like that. 

This was taken yesterday afternoon when the snow had just started. We are sitting on the east edge of the storm so we did fare a lot better that others to the west of us.  The worse road conditions are actually south and west of us as the storm took a turn going south.  We are told we could get more snow this afternoon. 

Thank you for stopping by today. We will stay inside and stay warm. 


  1. Brr, looks so cold, you need a bowl of my fifteen bean soup today 😁
    Stay warm Larry !
